Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices and Improvements to the Development Review Process;                                            

There is a critical need to define a preferred development review process and create best management practices for steep slope development.  A Preferred Development Process needs to include due diligence, design, approval, permitting and implementation and should be utilized for all projects that are to be built in the mountain region.  One goal of these efforts is to create a greater dialogue, sooner in the process, among local governments and designers and project specialists.

Encourage conservation-based development plans, through regulations and incentives. Conservation-based design practices strive to conserve/preserve a site’s natural resources and features while designing the development on the site.  Incentives may include a faster permitting process, allowances for increased density, reduced fees, and others. (PDP-3)

Develop some sort of regional Sensitive Developer Certification Program that would include having knowledge/expertise on multiple related topics pertaining to developing in the mountains. The Asheville Homebuilders Association and Asheville Board of Realtors are partnering with Asheville, Buncombe County and the Land-of-Sky Regional Council to develop and offer this type of program. (PDP-5)